



第一天 供货源分析和供应库存管理
1. 决定“制造还是购买”、私有化还是外购产品或服务。
2. 对租赁还是购买设备作出决策。
3. 制定采购的财务融资和调节战略
4. 组织和控制物资储存,并使之最小化
5. 与有关部门讨论目前的物资存货,建立重新进货水平或准时制战略
6. 确定货源,缓解存货矛盾
7. 处理旧设备/物资、多余设备/物资和废品
8. 开发和实施一个标准化的程序
9. 开发和实施过程改进程序
10. 开发一个成本降低/成本避免和成本遏制计划(如价值分析、订单/供应商合并、缩短供货时间、基于活动的成本计算)
11. 协调各有关部门引进新的和修改的产品和服务

1. 根据预计数据,计划采购、来源和供应战略
2. 根据对未来需求的预测,制定供应计划和战略
3. 向供应商提供有关组织未来购买需求的预测数据
4. 通过商品展示会、行业期刊和其他渠道保持对市场的了解,以得到可靠的有关新产 品和价格的信息。
5. 向管理层、销售管理部门和/或用户部门提供有关现在和未来市场条件的资料。
1. 制定战略计划和目标(短期的和长期的)
2. 根据组织的目标,制定采购供应部相应的目标
3. 规划、开发和提供运作政策、指导方针和程序
4. 为上级管理层和组织中的其他部门准备定期的部门活动报告
5. 分析和解决在采购和供应审计报告中提出的问题
6. 开发/应用评估采购供应部门绩效的标准
1. 准备和/或管理采购部/供应管理预算
2. 设计/修改和/或管理运作表格(纸的和/或电子的)。
3. 监督和领导采购和供应人员
1. 采购管理:雇用、提升和/或解雇采购和供应人员
2. 采购管理:评估采购和供应人员的业绩
3. 采购管理:为提高采购和供应人员的专业能力对他们进行职业培训
4. 解决雇员的业绩不佳问题
5. 准备认证考试:
A. 学习什么
B. 如何学习
C. 准备多长时间
D. 练习考试
E. 考试的前一天
F. 考试当天
6. 参加考试
A. 考题类型
B. 考题结构
C. 可以猜测,但首先要排除明显的错误答案
D. 使用计算器!
E. 在词上标上数字
F. 削好几支铅笔,或带两个自动铅笔
G. 带上茶或咖啡以便饮用
7. 可能要考的一些内容的复习
8. 课程评估


1st Friday
Sourcing Analysis and Supply and Inventory Management

1. Conduct decisions to “make or buy”, privatize, or outsource products or services.
2. Conduct decisions to lease or buy equipment.
3. Develop financing and leveraging strategies for purchases.
4. Organize, control, and minimize the storage of materials.
5. Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories, and establish restock levels or just-in-time strategies.
6. Determine sources of and reconcile inventory discrepancies.
7. Handle obsolete equipment/materials, surplus equipment/materials, and scrap.
8. Develop/implement a standardization program.
9. Develop/implement a process improvement program.
10. Develop a cost reduction/cost avoidance, cost containment program (e.g., value analysis, consolidation of orders/suppliers, leadtime reduction, activity based costing).
11. Coordinate the introduction of new and modified products and services with appropriate departments.

2nd day
1. Plan purchasing, sourcing, and supply strategies based on forecasted data.
2. Develop supply plans and strategies based on forecasts of future demand.
3. Provide forecasted data of future organization buying requirements to suppliers.
4. Develop and maintain market awareness through merchandise shows, trade periodicals, and other resources to secure new product and pricing information.
5. Provide data on current and future market conditions to management, sales management, and/or user departments.
Management and Organization
1. Develop strategic plans and objectives (short and long term).
2. Develop goals and objectives of purchasing and supply department aligned to organizational goals.
3. Plan/develop/provide operating policies, guidelines, and procedures.
4. Prepare periodic reports of department activities for senior management and other areas of the organization.
5. Analyze and resolve issues raised in purchasing and supply audit reports.
6. Develop/utilize criteria for evaluating purchasing and supply department performance.
Management and Organization and Human Resource Management
1. Prepare and/or administer a purchasing department/supply management budget.
2. Design/modify, and/or manage operational forms (paper and/or electronic).
3. Supervise and lead purchasing and supply staff.
Human Resources Management, Preparing for the Examination, and Taking the Examination, Course Critique, and Review of Questions Likely to be on the Examination
1. Hire, promote, and/or dismiss purchasing and supply personnel.
2. Evaluate purchasing and supply staff performance.
3. Conduct/authorize job training for the development of the professional competence of the staff.
4. Resolve employee performance problems.
5. Preparing for the certification examination:
A. What to Study
B. How to Study
C. How long to prepare
D. Practice taking examinations
E. The Day Before the examination
F. The Day of the examination
5. Taking the examination:
A. Types of questions.
B. Construction of questions.
C. Guessing is OK, but eliminate the obvious.
D. Use a calculator!!
E. Put numbers to the words.
F. Have several pencils already sharpened or bring 2 mechanical pencils.
G. Bring some tea or coffee to drink.
H. Go out for lunch if you take both morning and afternoon tests.
6. Review of areas likely to be tested on the examination.
7. Course critique sheets completed.

注:学员获得 CPPM 认证可以得到国际供应链管理MBA 12 门课中的 4 门课的学分( SCM 7002, SCM 7003, SCM7007 and SCM 7009 )。